WMHD 2018 & 2019
World Mental Health Day (WMHD) is an annual event of Ibunda. In WMHD 2018, I used the post-modernism style which incorporated surrealist elements and simple typography. Meanwhile in 2019, I embedded simple and modern accents and blended it with four major colors: calm turquoise, ocean blue, vibrant orange, and dark blue.

WMHD 2018 Official Feed Poster

WMHD 2018 Official Feed Poster for event

WMHD 2018 Official Proposal design

WMHD 2018 Official Proposal design

GHSA 2018
The Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) is a group of 69 countries, international organizations and non-government organizations. In 2018, thematic components such as health, culture, and number five are used to represent the fifth conference of GHSA. With elegant and colorful touch, GHSA 2018 targeted the youth and included Bali culture as the host of the event.

GHSA Official ID card and lanyard design

GHSA Official Promotion tools and LED design
The Asia Pacific Association of Pediatric Allergy, Respirology & Immunology (APAPARI) is the professional medical specialty organization representing pediatrician. I collaborated vector freestyle with outline as the highlight, and blend the cultural and tourism themes on the logo. The shades of red represent the color of blood and immune.

APASL 2021
APASL (Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver) never looks back but stick to its goal towards advancing the science and practice of Hepatology. Thailand’s iconic Tuk-tuk vehicle and Pagoda are chosen as the main object and are integrated with vibrant colors in a liver-shaped logo to represents the youth spirit of the event.